
Nani’s Nuggets
Never the girlfriend

Always the Friend but Never the Girlfriend

So today, I’m going to shake a table, a table that I also happen to...
toxic friendships

Toxic Friendships – Part Two

Friends are supposed to be like family you get to choose. Yes, I chose to be...
The destroyer

The Destroyer

How blind I must have been to your crueltyHow deaf I must have been to...
girl power

10 Girl Power Songs

In the spirit of Women’s day, I’d like to share with you 10 songs from my...

Closed Door

I wonder why when it comes down to it all,why we seem to forget history.You...


I know your name but I do not recognize youyou look at mebut the light...

My New Stories

Music Distribution
Nigerian Expat
Feeling the Gap
world press freedom
Heakthy Eating
Incredible Music Festival