
Peruzzi vs Pamilerin

#TrendingonTwitter: Peruzzi Vs Pamilerin

Hi everyone! So yesterday Twitter was on fire with trends of similar hashtags. #Peruzzi, #Pamilerin,...

Is Liberalism Dying?

Clearly, the ideology of liberalism did not spring out fully from some supernatural intellectual. It...
down syndrome


People with Downs syndrome are not ‘evil spirits’ or a ‘disgrace’ as we make them...

Who Is Man?

“What is man that you are mindful of him, human beings that you should care...
womens day

What (Who) are we? Anyways

Today March 8 is celebrated worldwide as International Women’s Day. It’s the day we celebrate the...

#TrendingonTwitter; Range Rover Chronicles

Don’t we all wonder what Twitter is turning into this year? One minute we drop...
New Year

It’s A New Year!

It is a new year! This means different things to different people. Here is what...
Nigerian hospital

Things You Don’t Understand – Nigerian Hospitals 2

By Chalya Johnson DulYou will never understand Nigerian hospitals; you will never understand why they have to...

Things You Don’t Understand – Nigerian Hospitals

By Chalya DulI might never understand Nigerian hospitals: Private, and public.You have a toothache. You...
Humanitarian Day

World Humanitarian Day

Today August 19th is World Humanitarian Day.World Humanitarian Day is a day dedicated to celebrating...
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