
I am African

I Am an African

I am an African.I owe my being to the hills and the valleys, the mountains...

The Story Of My Abuse

This is the story of my abuse. My first love. He was one that had...
Meaning counts

Meaning Counts

Meaning is profoundly social. It is quite valid that people’s connection to other humans gives...
Peruzzi vs Pamilerin

#TrendingonTwitter: Peruzzi Vs Pamilerin

Hi everyone! So yesterday Twitter was on fire with trends of similar hashtags. #Peruzzi, #Pamilerin,...

Is Liberalism Dying?

Clearly, the ideology of liberalism did not spring out fully from some supernatural intellectual. It...
down syndrome


People with Downs syndrome are not ‘evil spirits’ or a ‘disgrace’ as we make them...

Who Is Man?

“What is man that you are mindful of him, human beings that you should care...
womens day

What (Who) are we? Anyways

Today March 8 is celebrated worldwide as International Women’s Day. It’s the day we celebrate the...

#TrendingonTwitter; Range Rover Chronicles

Don’t we all wonder what Twitter is turning into this year? One minute we drop...
New Year

It’s A New Year!

It is a new year! This means different things to different people. Here is what...
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My New Stories

cheerful black woman with earphones dancing
cheerful black woman with earphones dancing
cheerful black woman with earphones dancing
Woman: the African tale
cheerful black woman with earphones dancing
Music Distribution
Nigerian Expat
Feeling the Gap