
Fix instead

Fix Instead

By Nanyil Darko I’ve seen the look in your eyes beforeI just can’t remember where...

Things You Don’t Understand – Nigerian Hospitals

By Chalya Dul I might never understand Nigerian hospitals: Private, and public. You have a...
They mattered

They Mattered

By Ayikpo Timothy Her eyes twinkled like stars Mischievous stars And her little feet crept...

Solitude: To Be Endured or Enjoyed?

We’ve all been alone in our lives. We are born alone and we die alone...
Critical thinking

Critical Thinking & the Throttle into Harmful Self-Criticism

By Nentapmun Gomwalk Human psychology is one of the things that constantly amazes me. It...
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My New Stories

Music Distribution
Nigerian Expat
Feeling the Gap
world press freedom
Heakthy Eating
Incredible Music Festival
Incredible Music