It’s A New Year!
It is a new year! This means different things to different people. Here is what some youths think about making New Year Resolutions and what they are resolving to do in the year.
Nasisi Shitta
“Uhm… New Year’s resolution is almost a cliché. Most people just write them down because everybody is doing it. New Year resolutions should be that you have looked at the past year – see where you have succeeded and failed, develop a new strategy on how to do better and be disciplined to the plan. New Year resolutions should not be something you follow up on for two months only. I am going to be more disciplined in achieving my goals this year.”
Badimah Magaji
I think resolutions depend on your mental space. I don’t think they are useless contrary to public opinion. Someone who isn’t in the right mental space – I mean someone who isn’t fully aware of where they stand at the moment – can’t navigate their way forward. Resolutions, for me, is navigation. It doesn’t mean you won’t get lost on your way, but it is just there to guide you through. New Year to me is a medium to measure myself or to check myself. For me, it’s another opportunity to try and achieve things I always wanted but got dropped by the wayside, it is a new canvas for me and a sign of hope. Last year, I didn’t have any resolution because I wasn’t in a good mental space, but this year, I am more aware of my surroundings and I know where to improve on and what I would like to see for myself in the year and I feel so hopeful and excited. So I feel resolutions are good and yes, definitely made some for myself.
Bemshima Loho
Spoken or written resolutions don’t really change anything – most times. At least not the ones to let everyone know. The real changes you want to make are the ones you mutter under your breath and they come mostly from a place of challenge, insults, and the feeling of not being good enough. So if something hurts or proves demeaning and challenging to you all through the past year enough that it’s even too heavy to speak on, you know what is deeply embedded in your heart? To make things different or move away from such. That itself is a resolution. No one even knows. They just notice. I don’t know if I made resolutions. However, I know I will walk away from a lot of people and things that made me feel bad last year and years prior. I won’t speak on them, people will notice, even though I won’t care if they don’t because if I honestly was going to mention one resolution out loud, it would be ‘care less this year.
Barrister Sike Gbana
Personally, I am indifferent about New Year’s resolutions. I have tried it before and I barely ever stick to it. I have come to the understanding that if you truly want to, you can make changes at any time of the year, not just at the beginning.
Joseph Godwin
An uncommon future requires uncommon preparation. It is very important to have New Year’s resolutions. It shows you are responsible and focused and you have a vision. We have New Year’s resolutions because we want to achieve something. It is a statement of intent or a vow. It is very important for the future because if you don’t plan, it means you are not ready to have a great future. You can break down your New Year resolutions into categories. I categorize mine into Spiritual, Career, Financial, Personal (Character), relationships and health. It has greatly helped me over the years. So my first resolution is to put God and His word first in everything I do. My dad tells me ‘no one can succeed without God’ and that is very true.
Berry Emmanuel
I just want to be a better person. Fulfil my purpose and be spiritually stronger and get more education.
Samuel Mackson
To me, it’s a cliché because many people say “New me, new that” but they keep on being the old them. Well, I would want to make money this year, produce more beats and improve myself in all aspects. Surround myself with positive people and good vibes and of course, grow spiritually.
Ezra Marcus
Firstly, I want to grow spiritually this year. See opportunities. Improve my finances. Get married. Connect with positive people and good vibes. Improve my relationships. Live healthily. Making a resolution is great. It keeps you on track if you are determined.