Is Cheating Enough Reason To Leave A Marriage?


You’ve probably heard the adage, “once a cheater, always a cheater.”

It all began when you found some text messages and chats with another girl/guy on their phone. Perhaps a friend told you (with hints) about their recent affair, but you didn’t believe although you had suspicions.

Regardless of how you find out about it, one thing’s for sure: infidelity is one of the most traumatic events a person can endure in a relationship. So the question now is, should you leave a partner who cheated? In other words, Is cheating enough reason to walk away from a marriage?

In a recent social media poll I conducted, 60% responded by saying YES, while 30% said NO, and 10% said it depends.

When I asked why one of them Adeniyi Princess Mylin stated “It is a big YEA for me. If a spouse cannot honour our convenient, our bodies while I stay faithful too, I sincerely will walk away after all efforts to trash it out has been exhausted.”

She added “I cannot bear the fact that my spouse might be in the arms of another at all times that he isn’t with me. For my sanity, health and my children, I will walk in peace but God forbid”.

CuteToniar Agboola said it’s not enough. Speaking further, she added ”But it speaks a lot about the relationship between the couple. They need to make it work, no matter what”.

Lawrence ‘The-Angel’ Maluleke who was indifferent, opined that it depended mostly on the actions accompanying the cheating.

”If it is a woman that cheats, the marriage ends immediately, but if it is a man, it may take time, and the woman can cover it”, he said.

He concluded ”We should also know that women’s heart isn’t like that of the men. They’re powerful enough to stand the horrible situations”.

Concurring with Maluleke, Cyril Jeke also reiterated that it depended in the couple. ”Some would forgive while others would not”.

Mandy Bryt had a different opinion. She said ”My answer is NO. This is because there are attitudes that are worse than cheating”.

For Onyin Abah, it’s a NO-NO. Her reasons? ”I will never leave my relationship because of a cheating error. NEVER!!”.

An article titled ‘Should you leave a partner who cheated? Four reasons to call it quits” on, Rebecca Strong wrote, ”Your ability to rebuild trust in your partner can be particularly problematic if you already felt like your gut instinct told you they were cheating. Still, your partner denied it when you brought up your concerns.”

The article added ”Cheating is hurtful enough, and lying about it adds another element of betrayal. So whether your partner can admit to their cheating when you confront them is a crucial factor to take into account”.

In other words, some people manage to rebuild the trust in their spouses and move forward, which needs a lot of digging into the deeper issues that led to the cheating.

In other cases, however, it’s simply time to call it quits.

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